You and your students can participate in the international StarT by describing students’ projects and/or the best practice of your learning community. Participate now for a chance to get awards and visibility for your and your students’ innovations! There is already 900 teachers and 400 learning communities from 40 different countries registered in StarT 2019-2020.
StarT is a programme that offers support for educators in implementing interdisciplinary and collaborative learning. Project-based learning is a great way to let your students explore interesting phenomena and get exciting real-life experiences of science, technology and mathematics.
1. Projects by children and youngsters
StarT projects are made by student teams (3-19 y.o.). StarT projects give teams of children and youngsters a chance to show their expertise, and to make use of their own interests and creativity. To participate we will ask you to share with us a short video describing the project and a concise learning diary.
2. Best educational practices by learning communities
A teacher (or a parent or other educator) can participate in StarT by themselves or together with their colleagues also by describing a best educational practice. A best practice is an educational practice or a model that the learning community has tried and found useful in implementing interdisciplinary and project-based learning or their StarT projects. The best practices should have a link to science, technology or mathematics.
Report here!

By reporting your work you will participate in the selection of the winners of the main prizes of StarT
The winners of the main prizes International LUMA StarT Award 2020 (three project teams) International LUMA StarT Education Award 2020 (three best practices) will win a trip to Finland to receive their awards at the StarT Gala!
All learning communities that report a project or best practice will receive a diploma of participation.

Please note! The evaluation is based on the information provided through the online form by the deadline (14.2.2020). No information can be added or changed after the deadline, and submissions not meeting the criteria will be ignored.
Instructions for reporting
Rules of the international StarT competition
If any questions related to StarT please contact us via email
Join us in sharing the joy of learning by reporting student’s projects or your learning community’s best practice to StarT by the 14th of February 2020!
Pictures: Saimaan LUMA-keskus
Veera Sinikallio
Outi Haatainen