EU General Data Protection Regulation

Art. 12 to 14

Date: 27.11.2019

1. Controller for the processing of personal data

The organization responsible for the processing of personal data is the University of Helsinki as the administrator of the LUMA Centre Finland network.

Contact information:

University of Helsinki
P.O. Box 3
00014 Helsingin yliopisto
Phone number: +358 (0)2941 911 (exchange)

Contact persons for the processing described in this notice is:

Oona Kiviluoto, StarT project coordinator

The national StarT offices in our StarT partner countries (listed below) are controllers of the information they have collected by themselves. The University of Helsinki/LUMA Centre Finland is not responsible for the registers that our partner countries keep and we cannot guarantee the same level of data protection in these countries.

The China STEM Curriculum Education Research Center

Sun Xiaokui 

Innovation for Creativity Development Association (ICDA)

Surayya Ayyad 

Kaunas Santaros gymnasium

Rasa Valackaitė – Pranckūnienė
tel. +37064035130

Grammar School “Veljko Petrovic”

Colleges Veljko Petrovic Sombor: 
Director Dr. Fekete Lafislava   
Coordinator Dr. Lidija Nerandzic Canda 

The Erentay Education Consultancy

Nilgün Erentay 

Limited Liability Company Educational 3D Hub

Marharyta Kaliuzhna

2. Contact details for the Data Protection Officer

You can contact the Data Protection Officer by email: 

3. Who are the parties involved in the processing and what are their responsibilities?  

The data is controlled and processed by University of Helsinki as the administrator of the LUMA Centre Finland network. The data can be shared with the member universities of the LUMA Centre Finland network (see the current member universities here) when necessary for carrying out the StarT programme and for research purposes.

The StarT programme has partner countries, in which there is a national StarT office. The personal data of StarT participants from StarT partner countries (China, Jordan, Lithuania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine) that they have shared with LUMA Centre Finland can be shared with their respective national StarT office. The purpose of this is to enable their participation in the StarT programme.  

4. Why do we process your personal data and what is the lawful basis for processing?

Your personal data is processed to enable:

  • your participation in the StarT programme
  • scientific research
  • evaluation of the programme
  • communication with the participants during the programme
  • the sharing of best practices and project ideas for other learning communities

The data can also be used to target the communications in the programme better.

The research data collected from the programme will be handled confidently and in such a way that an individual person cannot be identified from the research reports. The research is for the purpose of common good as it aims to develop teacher training, learning materials and teaching methods.

The legal basis for processing is:

  • your consent that you can withdraw X
  • the processing is necessary to comply with legal obligation
  • the processing is necessary for the performance of a tasks carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority X
    • scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes X
    •  archiving
    •  authority’s task carried out in the public interest
  • the legitimate interest to…  
  • contract to which the data subject is party.

5. What personal data do we process?

We process the following data:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Photos and videos shared by the participant
  • Information shared by the participant

6. Sensitive data

The processing of personal data does not include the processing of sensitive information.

7. What are the sources for personal data?  

The personal data is received from the participants who have registered for the programme. The personal data is collected with forms. The information is stored securely on an electronic service that is intended for this purpose. 

8. Do we disclose your personal data to third parties?

The personal data of participants from our partner countries can be transferred to their local StarT office. In this case the data can be transferred outside of the EU/EEA. The transfer is necessary to enable the participants from these countries to participate in StarT. However, only data originating from our partner countries is transferred back to the country of origin. The participants give their consent for the transfer by participating in StarT and accepting our privacy policy.

9. For how long do we process and retain your personal data?

StarT is organized annually from August to June. We will store the personal data of participants from each StarT season until the end of the year in which the season ended. After that the participants’ personal data will be stored anonymously for a maximum of five years. An exception to this are the internationally and nationally awarded participants whose projects and best practices are published on the StarT website as an example to other StarT participants.  The projects and best practices may include personal data, as they include videos and photos of the participants.

10. Automated decisions?

The processing activities do not include automatic decision making (including profiling).

11.  What rights do you have?

The contact person in matters concerning the rights of the participant is the person mentioned in section 1 of this notice.

The registered person has the following rights:

  • the right to get information about how the personal data is processed, unless the law states an exception
  • the right to access the data
  • the right to rectify the data
  • the right to limit the use of the data
  • in terms of rectifying the personal data or limiting the use of it the data controller has the obligation to announce if the information has been transferred to another data controller
  • the right to oppose the processing of the data
  • the right to not end up as the target of automatic decision making without lawful grounds

There is no intention to differ from the rights of the registered person.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

You can always contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the processing of your personal data. However, you have also the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Ombudsman’s Office if you think your personal data has been processed in violation of applicable data protection laws.

Contact details:

Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman
Visiting address: Ratapihantie 9, 6. krs, 00520 Helsinki
Postal address: PL 800, 00521 Helsinki
Switchboard: 029 56 66700