StarT materials for collaborative project-based learning

Here you can find plenty of materials for carrying out interdisciplinary collaborative project-based learning!
Materials for different age groups
Materials by themes
- Mathematics around us
- Nature and environment
- Well-being
- Stars and space
- Home, culture and internationality
- Technology around us
Get inspired by our participants: best of StarT from the earlier seasons
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2022
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2021
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2020
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2019
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2018
- Best StarT projects and best practices from 2017
Other materials
The Internet provides limitless possibilities for project ideas and work sheets – as well as all the information we can find about science. Here we have chosen some good examples which are worth checking and trying.
- Pinterest like a giant notice board where you can pin your favourite pictures, photos, links and project ideas. Try a search with the name of the subject, material or topic, or just ‘science’ or ‘STEM’ etc.
- Home Science Tools introduces a great variety of project ideas and work sheets for science teaching. Notice that the website is also trying to sell material kits for the experiments but most of them can be carried out with alternative equipments and materials. The project can be searched by the subject and grade on the website.
- STEM Alliance practices repository offers approaches and materials for STEM education, provided mainly by industries. You can browse the whole gallery or look for a specific subject or age group.
- HowToSmile a website with over 3000 science activities. The projects can be searched by a topic or keyword and narrow your search for example by materials needeed, age range, time.
- Science Buddies is a non-profit charity organisation which empowers K-12 students, parents, and teachers to quickly and easily find free project ideas and help in all areas of science from physics to food science and music to microbiology.
- Scientix promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration among STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) teachers, education researchers, policymakers and other STEM education professionals.
- Discover e – Let’s make a difference provides activities and work sheets for science teaching. From ‘All activities’ you can find and filter materials activity type, discipline, topics, grade or the time for example.
- The Kids’ Science Challenge is an American science contest for primary schools. The website provides ideas for making science with videos, games, records and other shareable materials.
- Planet Science exists to offer young scientists of school age the inspiration and excitement that will support their study of science at school and beyond.
- Nature Works Everywhere gives teachers, students and families everything they need to start exploring and understanding nature around the globe alongside Nature Conservancy scientists. Their interactive lesson plans align to standards and can be customized for each classroom.
- LEGO Education works with teachers and educational specialists like you to deliver playful learning experiences that bring subjects to life in the classroom and make learning fun and impactful. They have a wide range of physical and digital educational resources that encourage students to think creatively, reason systematically and release their potential to shape their own future.
Please, do contact us if you know any nice materials for project work.