The best of Nord StarT 2021

Nord StarT climate change competition has two categories:

  1. Projects made by teams of children and youth
  2. Educational practices shared by teachers and educators

Here are listed the nominees of the Nord StarT 2021 competition in both categories. First, we share more information on the inspiring project works through videos and project diaries. Second, you can learn about the educational practices by watching a short video. The winners of the competition were chosen from these nominees.

Best projects

Check out the Nord StarT 2021 nominees listed below. You can get to know more about each project through project videos and learning diaries linked next to each project.

Bokashi ja biohiili puutarhakasvatuksessa (Bokashi and biocarbon in horticultural farming)

Name of the learning community: Päiväkoti piilometsä
 0 to 5-year-olds
What subjects have been used in the project: 
gardening education, biology, chemistry

Link to the project diary (in Finnish)

Link to the translated summary of the diary

Shortly: In this project the garden of the kindergarten was utilised to teach children about climate change and eco-deeds that children can participate with. The children were familiarized with the concept of bokashi by making their own bokashi container and using their own bokashi fluid to fertilize the garden in a climate friendly way. They also made their own biochar for the garden by burning fallen branches in a homemade biocharer.

Pienet ja ilmastonmuutos (Small and climate change)

Name of the learning community: Vuoksenniskan koulukeskus
 13 to 15-year-olds
What subjects have been used in the project: 
biology, chemistry, statistics, mathematics

Link to the project diary

Shortly: In this project older students made a survey for younger students to see what kind of preconceptions they had about climate change. Based on the survey they planned a lesson and completed another survey to see what they had learned.

Myrkyt luonnossa (Toxins in nature)

Name of the learning community: Rajamäen lukio
 16 to 18-year-olds
What subjects have been used in the project: 
chemistry, biology

Link to the project diary

Translated summary of the diary

Shortly: The purpose of the project was to grow shoots from corn grains and look at how the toxins r in bodies of water affect the growth of plants. As a part of the project, students synthesized and extracted different toxins to mix into the soil which they used to grow plants.  For comparison, they grew a control plant in toxin-free soil.

Youth Race-To-Zero Climate Action

Name of the learning community: FIN-CHI Innovation and Education Association 
 16 to 18-year-olds
What subjects have been used in the project:

Link to the project diary

Shortly: The team project is about climate change actions for zero carbon emissions. Race To Zero is a global campaign to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero-carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.

Best educational practices

SDG-Global connection point (Finland)

Name of the learning community: FCIEA(FIN-CHI Innovation and Education Association 

Sustainable Poetry (Sweden)

Name of the learning community: Sustainable Poetry 

Link to webpage