The best of StarT 2017

The StarT jury has chosen the International LUMA StarT Award 2017 nominees, of which there are ten in two different categories. They have been selected from the projects of over 800 learning communities from 36 countries from around the world. The winners are to be chosen by the StarT jury. In addition, the public’s most voted favourites are to be announced at the StarT gala, organised in the grand ballroom of the University of Helsinki on 23rd of May at 13:00. The minister of education of Finland, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen, will hand the awards at award gala.

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Project nominees

Ten projects have been selected by the StarT jury as nominees for the International LUMA StarT Award 2017. They are shown below in alphabetical order according to the project title. The more detailed assessment criteria you can find here. The playlist of the project videos can be found from here.

  1. Cave project, Agrupamento de Escolas Cidade do Entroncamento
    Francisco Gonçalves José Dias Rute Nunes, Portugal

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  2. Flight/Aviation project, Echipa Multitouchnme, Georgeta Cozma, Chereche Nicoleta Students: Mihalca Patrik , Mihai Olariu, Codru Erdei, Toni Caia, Romania

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  3. Mathematics of the chestnut, Szivárvány Kindergarten, Kistelek, Éva Virágné Szqcs and Csilla Novák, Hungary

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  4. Nature and environment project, Šiaurės licėjaus, Lina Kiliauskait’s kindergarten group, Lithuania

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  5. Programming and robotics project, TriRoboNauts, Spahou Stefania, Staridas Vasileios, Roumeliotis Fotios, Stafila Galini, Siomos Nektarios, Greece

    The learning diary of the team is available here. 

  6. Protect & live project, Büyükçekmece Atatürk Anatolian High School, Nilgün Erentay’s and Nejdet Köker’s group, Turkey

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  7. SOS glove project, Semesta Billingual Boarding School, Bryan Tanamas Fachry Adam El-Yaqien Mucharam Sultan Gemilang Kemadi, Indonesia

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

  8. Stars and space project, Salesian School Santo Domingo Savio, Jose Maria Diaz Fuentes, José Illana Lope Jimena Díaz del Álamo Elena López Sevilla Laura García Morcillo Ana Soledad Lara Fernández, Spain

    The learning diary of the team is available here and here.

  9. Weather ball project, Veikkola secondary school, teacher Aki Kukkonen and students of classes 5A + 5B + 7-9, Finland

  10. Well being project about bread, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Supranee Sitthipairojsakul’s group, Thailand

    The learning diary of the team is available here.

The Best Practices of the Learning Communities

The International LUMA StarT Education Award 2017 is given to three learning communities for best practices related to carrying out StarT. The more detailed assessment criteria you can find here. The International LUMA StarT Education Award 2017 nominees chosen by the StarT jury are shown below in alphabetical order according to the project title. The playlist of the videos can also be found from here.

  1. Collaboration among geography, chemistry and social studies teachers in an interdisciplinary project, Pirkkala secondary school, Kati Lahtinen, Finland
  2. Collaboration of education and teacher training programme through StarT, MTA-SZTE Science Education Research Group, Faculty of Science and Informatics US, Erzsébet Korom, Hungary
  3. Collaboration with Physical Cultural and Sports Centre, Jonava children’ nursery-kindergarten “The Sun”, Natalija Zuravlioviene, Lithuania
  4. Collaboration with several different actors; one collaboration partner was Park Tarabya Kindergarten / İstanbul, Kindergarten Satulaiva, Taipalsaari, Kirsi Rehunen, Finland
  5. Collaborative StarT fair, Odessa ORT Zhabotinski school, Anna Michurina, Ukraine
  6. Community outreach, Green group, Khadija Azaitraoui, Morocco
  7. Developing a learning module for studying mathematics in one’s surroundings, IES Santo Domingo, Eva Acosta Gavilán, Spain
  8. Developing student workshops in learning community, Primary School ” Miroslav Anti”, Gordana Hajdukovi-Jandri, Serbia
  9. Involving the entire school community in StarT, Betygala Maironis gymnasium, Saule Tiskuviene, Lithuania
  10. Series of activities to foster STEAM education in primary schools, De Creatieve STEM, Sanne Cools, Belgium

Congratulations to all the nominees and thank you to all that have participated in StarT 2016-2017!

Welcome to StarT again next year!