Best educational practices

A teacher or a group of teachers can participate in StarT as representatives of their learning community. A best practice is an educational practice or a model that the learning community has tried and found useful in interdisciplinary and phenomenon-based teaching or their StarT projects. The best practice should have a link to science, technology or mathematics and support the education of these subjects.

Practice should include

Share with us a video (max 3 min) describing the practice in English. If you plan to submit on both categories of the competition, projects and best practices, with the same project, please note that the same video shouldn’t be used. Share with us a written description of your best practice (length. 2000-5000 characters). We appreciate a “recipe” like description that allows other teachers to easily repeat the best practice. Please provide also any additional materials (e.g. lesson plans) that make it easier for other people to replicate the practice. You will be able to provide the additional materials as a single file. You can submit a completely new practice or one that you have been using for years.

Assessment of best practices

In the assessment of best practices we will look at how the best practice demonstrates links to curriculum, cooperation within the teacher community or with other actors outside of the learning community, and innovative approaches for carrying out inquiry-based or phenomenon-based learning. The jury will assess the best practices on the basis of the video (max 3 min) and the written description of the best practice. The video can e.g. include a description of your innovative StarT Day. Please note:
  • Only one best practice per learning community can be submitted annually
  • The best practice should have an inquiry-based and/or phenomenon-based approach to learning (such as project-based learning) that engages learners
  • StarT best practice includes an aspect of collaboration between teachers of the learning community and/or with outside partners