Interested in collaboration with StarT?

The Finnish LUMA network is looking for StarT partners. StarT partners are the main representative of StarT programme in their own country. StarT partners are experts in the field of education and operate nationally to promote and develop national StarT programme with the support from the LUMA Centre Finland. The national operations can for example include:

  • Maintaining national StarT webpage
  • Organizing nationally the registration and evaluation of International StarT competition
  • Organizing national StarT-festivals
  • Teacher trainings and workshops

Read more about our partner countries

The Finnish LUMA network is looking for sponsors. The funds will go towards the StarT-projects, which encourages children and young people to pursue their skills and even a career in STEM-fields (science, technology and mathematics).

When you collaborate with StarT your organization’s brand will be visible in many different contexts related to StarT. An organization or a company can participate in StarT festivals for example by awarding children, youngsters and teachers.

If interested, don’t hesitate to contact us

Director of LUMA Centre Finland, professor, FT Maija Aksela
University of Helsinki / LUMA Centre Finland
maija.aksela ((at))
phone number: +358 50 514 1450

A big thank you to all of our cooperation partners for making StarT possible!

Logo of Stormossen.
Logo of Somalia-verkosto.
Logo of WasaUp.
Logo of Gambit
Logo of Luuppi museo- ja tiedekeskus.
Logo of Meyer Turku.
Helsingin observatorio
Logo of Lappeenrannan nuorisotoimi.
Logo of Fablab Tampere.
Logo of Bitwise
Logo of Viking Line.
Logo of Matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten alojen akateemiset.
Logo of Kemianteollisuus.
Logo of Kuntaliitto.
Logo of LYKE verkosto
Logo of Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto
Logo of Gaudeamus
Logo of Opinkirjo.
Logo of Circula.
Logo of StoraEnso.
Logo of Prein.
Logo of Pulmapuoti.
Logo of Pilke.
Logo of Lahti Energia.
Logo of pidä saaristo siistinä.
Logo of Alvar Aalto.
Logo of BioRex.
Logo of Educons.
Logo of MAOL.
Logo of Innokas-network.
Lofo of Sopo ry - Suomen opinto-ohjaajat.
Logo of Opettajien ammattijärjestö.
Logo of Suomen luokanopettajat ry.
Logo of Bmol ry.
Logo of the Globe Program.
Logo of Sykli.
Logo of Keski-Suomen kemistiseura.
Logo of Nanoscience Center.
Logo of Saimaan mediakeskus.
Logo of Tiedekeskus Tietomaa.
Logo of Abloy.
Logo of Kino Iiris.
Logo of EkspSäätiö
Logo of Ecoaims.
Logo of Arktinen keskus.
Logo of Teknologiateollisuus.
Logo of Heureka.
Logo of Suomalaisten kemistien seura.
Logo of Aineenopettajaliitto AOL ry.
Logo of Suomalainen tiedeakatemia.
Logo of Tilastokeskus.
Logo of CCE Finland.