Reporting of projects and best practices has begun!

Picture of a former StarT-winners

Join us and share the joy of learning by reporting student’s projects or your learning community’s best practice to StarT by the 14th of February 2021. By sharing your work you have a chance to share the joy of learning internationally and even win amazing prizes.

You and your students can participate in the international StarT by describing students’ projects and/or the best practice of your learning community. Participate now for a chance to get awards and visibility for your and your students’ innovations!

StarT projects are carried out in teams consisting of children and youngsters. It is important that the project is a product of the students’ work. However, the teacher or the instructor will naturally support the students throughout the project, but the degree of this support should be adjusted to the age of the students. In the assessment of the project creation we appreciate creativity, innovativeness and a link to one of the StarT themes and to science, technology and/or mathematics. We will also consider how well the project fits its intended purpose. In the assessment of the process we also appreciate the students’ active role in the project, collaboration and the visibility of students’ enthusiasm.

A best practice is an educational practice or a model that the learning community has tried and found useful in implementing interdisciplinary and phenomenon-based learning. In the assessment of best practices we will look at how the best practice demonstrates links to curriculum, cooperation (including cooperation within the teacher community and with other actors outside of the learning community) and innovative approaches for carrying out inquiry-based and/or phenomenon-based learning (including project-based learning). The best practice should also have a link to science, technology and/or mathematics.

How is the reporting done?

If you have not yet registered in the StarT-program, you can do it with this online form, where you will provide information about your contact details and the project work of children and youngsters and/or the good educational practice that you have implemented.

If you’re already registered as a StarT learning community, awesome!
Those who have already registered report by telling us about the projects/best practice they have implemented through the “group’s open registration link” contained in the confirmation email received at the time of registering. The link has been sent to everyone who has already registered again by email. If the message cannot be found, please email us:

Read more:

Registering is open until February 14, 2021. Welcome to join!