Finnish winter

Happy new year 2021

StarT’s spring season has begun. Spring will be full of joy of learning together. Welcome! 

2021 is the Year of Research-Based Learning in Finland. During the Year of Research-Based Knowledge 2021, different Finnish organisations from associations to educational institutions and from research organisations to enterprises will offer research-based knowledge, actions and events to everyone.

There’s still time to sign up for the 2020-2021 season of StarT! You can apply to the International StarT Competition until 14 February 2021. Participating is done by reporting a good educational practice or project made by your learning community.  If you haven’t registered for StarT yet, you can do it with this online form. If you have already registered, a link can be found in your email. More information about applying and how to do it can be found here.

Here you can see a visual model of StarT process:

StarT is offering an online course again this spring. A free online training on project-based learning is coming in February. You can read about the previous course here. The registering for the course starts in January and all the necessary links will be found from the previous link. 

You can read more about StarT’s events here. StarT wishes everyone joyful learning experiences for the upcoming year!