Welcome to StarT LUMA webinar on 20th of December at 3 pm (UTC+2). The event is designed to inspire and equip educators, student teachers, and schools with practical tools, resources, and strategies for bringing the principles of project-based learning to life in STEAM education.
The participants will gain valuable insights into project-based learning, share innovative teaching practices, learn how to foster collaborative, creative, and engaging educational environments, and explore ways to work together on new projects. We especially encourage those who have participated in the StarT LUMA online course in 2024 to join this interactive session.
The webinar is organized by Innovation for Creativity Development Association (ICDA), Jordan.
Date: Friday, December 20, 2024
Time: 3 pm to 5 pm in Finnish time (UTC+2)
Platform: Zoom (link will be provided to registered participants via email)
In this webinar, you will:
Discover best practices for integrating STEAM concepts through hands-on projects.
Learn how to implement StarT LUMA projects within Science (STEAM) clubs.
Connect with other educators and share success stories.
StarT LUMA webinars are a part of the StarT programme, focused on collaborative project-based learning (PBL), and organized by LUMA Centre Finland in collaboration with partners. They are a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow educators, discuss valuable insights, and explore innovative approaches to PBL!
The StarT jury has now made their decision on the ten nominees for the InternationalLUMA StarT Award 2022 and the ten nominees for the InternationalLUMA StarT Education Award 2022. From these nominees, the honorary StarT jury will choose the winners.
The winners will be published at the International StarT Gala 13th of June. The twenty nominees for the International LUMA StarT Awards were chosen by the StarT jury. The assessment has been carried out according to the assessment criteria. The three project teams receiving the International LUMA StarT Award and the three best practices receiving the International LUMA StarT Education Award will be chosen from these nominees.
In addition, the Public Favorite will be chosen from these nominees in May.
The International LUMA StarT Award 2022 nominees (project nominees):
Estudi de la contaminació atmosfèrica a Martorell by INS Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Urban Farming as alternative adaptation for climate change and source of income for urban community in the pandemic era by Matoa D5, Indonesia
Green Space by Veikkolan yhtenäiskoulu, Finland
Additional Factors In Growth by Lyseonmäen koulu, Finland
Sustainable recycling of contaminated sediment in Yantian River by Yangang Primary school, China
The Exploration of the Secrets of Mangrove Roots — Exploring the Ecological Value of Mangrove Windbreak and Sand Fixation by Shenzhen Yantian Donghe Branch of Foreign Language Primary School, China
Music hearing with hearing-impaired friends, Korean teachers for STEAM education, South Korea
Science picnic by “2 x 2” science club, Italy
Learning based on crisis and disaster management skills by Elementary school “bani aouf”, Tunisia
A Model of Organizing Online Experiential Activities for Secondary School Students by Cau Giay Secondary School, Vietnam
The Planetarium by Zarqa University Schools and KGs, Jordan
Golden Time by Liangfeng Primary School Zhangjiagang, China
Bud Green Action – The Aerosol Cultivation System by Wentianxiang Primary school, China
Project of sleep by Pikkolan koulu, Finland
The Story of Tastes That Remain in an Ever-Changing World “Omniscient Foods” by MAYA ORTAOKULU, Turkey
Congratulations to all nominees! It is a great accomplishment to be chosen amongst the hundreds and hundreds of projects and best practices as a nominee. Amongst these splendid nominees, the honorary StarT jury will be making the decision on the winning teams. The honorary StarT jury consists this year of Prof. Maija Aksela (University of Helsinki, Finland; Head of LUMA Centre Finland), DistinguishedProf.Joseph Krajcik (Michigan State University, USA; Director, CREATE for STEM Institute), and Prof. Marina Milner-Bolotin (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA; Chair of the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy Graduate Advisory Committee).
The winners will be announced at the annual StarT Gala that will be held at Aalto University, Finland. In the International StarT Gala, the three best educational practices will be awarded the International LUMA StarT Education Award and three projects with the International LUMA StarT Award. The Gala will be held on June 13th at 4 PM.
Public voting
The annual voting on the favourites of the public will be held in May. This year, the voting happens through a questionnaire form and it will be published soon. Stay tuned and vote for your favourites!
The Science on Stage Festival is an international fair meant for STEAM teachers. At the festival, the attending teachers and educators share their educational ideas and meet colleagues from all over the world. This year, around 450 teachers from over 30 countries came together at Europe’s largest educational fair for science teachers in Prague, Czech Republic. The general assembly held simultaneously with the festival decided that the next Science on Stage Festival 2024 will be held in Turku, Finland.
The Science on Stage Festival 2024 in Turku, Finland
City of Turku is located in Southern Finland, by the Baltic sea. Turku is the oldest city in Finland and its restaurants offer wonderful opportunities to enjoy the gifts of the pure Finnish nature. Turku Archipelago is also the greatest archipelago of the World. With all these great features, the city enables myriads of experiences in the fields of science education, nature and culture. Read more about the city from Visit Turku website.
At the Festival 2024, teachers of Finland can familiarize their-selves with their European colleagues’ ideas for a better STEM education: 40 teachers and educators from Finland will be given access to the Festival for the all four days. In addition, there will be held an open day when everyone is welcome to the fair and obtain new teaching ideas.
We are very delighted for having a significant event like the Science on Stage Festival in Finland. We can learn from each other with interaction.
Maija Aksela, Director of StarT and the LUMA Centre Finland
The teachers’ teaching ideas and projects are the core of the fair. Furthermore, there will be workshops, experts giving lectures, demonstrations and the possibility to make a city tour at the festival. The Science on Stage organisation founded in 2000 is in charge of the event and it aims at improving science teaching and encouraging more schoolchildren to consider a career in science or engineering. Finland is presented by LUMA Centre Finland in the organisation.
The delegates’ experiences at this years Festival
The 12th European Science on Stage festival was hosted by Elixir do škol with the main support of the Municipality of Prague, the Česká spořitelna foundation and The JABLOTRON foundation, in co-operation with Science on Stage Europe and Science on Stage Czech Republic. It was under the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Member of the European Commission and was endorsed by the Czech Ministry of Education.
The delegates of Finland at the SonS Festival 2022 had been chosen as a part of the Finnish StarT program. The delegates are teachers and educators from from Forssan kuvataidekoulu, Länsiharjun koulu and Taipalsaaren kirkonkylän koulun esiopetus. The delegates enjoyed the Festival and obtained new teaching ideas for future purposes.
The Festival was interesting and it gave new ideas for my job. The art teacher’s eyes spotted projects that could be utilized while making art.
Teija Lauronen from Forssan kuvataidekoulu
Maikku Aho and Teija Lauronen at their stand.
The delegates of Finland presented their innovative teaching concepts in a fair and in workshops. You can read more about them from our earlier post. These were four days full of exciting discussions, great ideas, and wonderful experiences.
Colourful STEAM with glass.Kirsi Rehunen (the person in the middle) at their stand.StarT project Outi Haatainen and the amusing glass experiments.
From Prague to all of Europe! At the European Science on Stage festival in March 2022, 450 teachers will work together to shape science education of the future. The best teachers who have been selected through the Finnish StarT program will take part.Follow the festival on social media!
Teachers matter! They are the ones who can enthuse students for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and thereby prepare them for the future! At the 12th European Science on Stage festival 2022, hosted by Science on Stage Czechia in cooperation with Science on Stage Europe, the participating teachers will be given the right tools to do so.
The three-day educational festival will take place from 24th-27th March in Prague. 450 teachers from over 30 countries will come together to present and exchange their innovative teaching concepts in a fair, in workshops and in short lectures. From a symphony of atoms to the production of foils from starch and the usage of microcontroller in physics lessons, there will once again be a variety of practical teaching ideas from teachers for teachers.
Particularly outstanding projects will receive the festival’s European STEM Teacher Award and will later be disseminated internationally as training courses or teaching materials. In this way, teachers reach thousands of students throughout Europe with their ideas encouraging them to consider a career in science, IT or engineering.
This year’s festival is under the patronage of Mariya Gabriel, Member of the European Commission, and is endorsed by the Czech Ministry of Education.
The teaching practices from Finland at the festival
The delegates of Finland at the Science on Stage Festival 2022 are teachers and educators from Forssan kuvataidekoulu, Länsiharjun koulu and Taipalsaaren kirkonkylän koulun esiopetus. The delegates have been chosen as a part of the Finnish StarT program: the teachers convinced the jury with teaching practices that emphasize for example sustainable development, co-operation and multidisciplinary. Now they head for the international Science on Stage festival to inspire and enthuse colleagues from across Europe with their teaching ideas.
Science on Stage 2022 Festival 24-27 March 2022
Venue: Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Freyova 33, 190 00 Prague 9 - Vysočany, Czechia
Open Day for the public: Saturday, 26 March, 10:00 – 17:00
For media representatives: Please register at press@science-on-stage.eu
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture organised the Nordic Nord StarT Climate Change Competition in autumn 2021. The competition was part of the programme of Finland’s Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2021. Organised in cooperation with the LUMA Centre Finland’s StarT programme, the competition aimed to engage children, young people and adults, all the way from early childhood education and care to higher education, to come up with concrete ways to tackle climate change. Minister of Education Li Andersson congratulated the winners on Wednesday 9 February 2022 at an open online event.
It was possible to enter the Nord StarT competition with projects or practices where different age groups at different educational levels work together. Schools, groups, clubs or any other set of children, young people or adults could enter a good project in the competition showing how to tackle climate change. Teachers were able to participate in the competition by entering a good teaching practice. The competition was designed for all educational levels from early childhood education and care to higher education.
The works of the winners covered a broad range of topics on climate issues from the Bokashi method to sustainable poetry. In her award speech, Minister of Education Li Andersson emphasized the importance of schools offering knowledge and skills to combat climate change.
Environmental issues and climate change are our main societal challenges. Climate change mitigation affects every aspect of society. It is important that schools and educational institutions are able to provide good knowledge and skills to deal with the climate crisis. Effective and research-based sustainability education helps to focus young people’s concerns towards action to tackle the crisis.
Minister Andersson
The Nordic jury felt that the winning projects harness scientific practices by means of investigation and lab collaboration, empower students and give a voice to children too. According to the jury, the projects also empower young people to take action by themselves and together with others, and use culture and poetry to showcase children’s and young people’s own thoughts about climate change.
The main prizes amounted to EUR 500.
The winners of the competition are:
0 to 5-year-olds Piilometsä early education centre – Bokashi and biocarbon in horticultural cultivation
13 to 15-year-olds Vuoksenniska school centre – Young children and climate change
16 to 18-year-olds
Chemistry students at the Rajamäki unit of Nurmijärvi General Upper Secondary School – Toxins in nature
FIN-CHI Innovation and Education Association – Youth Race-to-Zero Climate Action
Best teaching practice: Sustainable Poetry. Swedish collaboration between teachers and educators.
The purpose of the Nord StarT competition was to showcase what kinds of visions Nordic children, young people and young adults have about climate change mitigation and to present examples of how to curb climate change. It also aimed to strengthen cooperation and the sense of community among the Nordic countries, develop sustainable development pedagogics and promote curriculum-based activities.
Warm welcome to hear about Nordic climate and sustainability education. During the hour-long virtual event you’ll have a chance to hear experts and teachers speak about Nordic climate and sustainability education from early childhood education to upper secondary education. In addition, we will showcase children’s and young people’s concrete ideas to combat climate change. The main part of the event is presenting the winners of the Nord StarT climate change competition. The competition aims to gather children, youth and adults to brainstorm concrete means for the fight against climate change.
Time: 9th February 2022 from 1 pm to 2 pm (13.00-14.00)
Language: English
You do not need to register to watch the live broadcast. Welcome!
13.00 Welcome!
13.05 Speech by the Minister of Education Li Andersson
13.10 Nord START climate change competition: announcement of winners and presentation of best projects by children and young people
13.20 Engaging makers of future on math, science and technology through the LUMA ecosystem, prof. Maija Aksela, LUMA Centre Finland/University of Helsinki
13.30 Speech on sustainable development and the importance of Nordic cooperation, Nordic Council of Ministers
13.40 Discussion on climate and sustainability education in the Nordic countries
The registration for the StarT competition has begun and will continue until 7th of March 2022. The theme of the competition is My LUMA which refers to natural sciences, mathematics and/or technology. The two series you can participate in are the StarT projects and good educational practices.
The theme for the 2022 competition is My LUMA. The word LUMA refers to natural sciences, mathematics and technology and the interaction and cooperation between these disciplines. The aim of My LUMA theme is that all projects are interdisciplinary, have a link to science, mathematics and/or technology and promote the ideas, interests and knowhow of children and youth. The projects should be about any interdisciplinary topic including natural sciences, mathematics and/or technology. A good approach to this theme is through students own interests or phenomena related to everyday life. First, brainstorm a topic that inspires your team and dive into the worlds of learning and discovery through your project. Then report the results of your work and enter the StarT-competition. For inspiration, you can visit our material bank where we have collected some of the best projects and educational practices from earlier years.
You can sign up for the competition through the registration form. Tell us about your team of students and your project, or your good educational practice. The registration period for the competition started in the beginning of January and will continues until the 7th of March 2022.
StarT project
Teams of children and adolescents should carry out the StarT project. It is important that the project is a product of the students’ work, supported by the teacher on a suitable level. We will assess the projects on how creative and innovative they are. We also appreciate projects that are linked to the theme of My LUMA. The students’ active role in the project is important as is collaboration and the visibility of students’ enthusiasm. The project can include cooperation within the teacher community and with other actors outside of the learning community such as researchers and companies.
An example of a My LUMA themed project from 2021
Best practice
A best practice is an educational practice or a model that the learning community has tried and found useful in implementing interdisciplinary and phenomenon-based learning. The best practice should also have a link to science, technology and/or mathematics. In the assessment of best practices, we will look at how the best practice demonstrates links to curriculum and cooperation. We will also be looking for innovative approaches for carrying out inquiry-based and/or phenomenon-based learning.
The year is about to end so it is time to think about wonderful time for learning together: the International StarT Competition 2022 is soon here! Participate in the competition with a good teaching practice or a project that deals with natural sciences, mathematics and/or technology.
The registration for the annual International StarT Competition begins on the 3rd of January 2022 and closes on 1st of March. The theme of the year is My LUMA that refers to natural sciences, mathematics and/or tehchnology and the the interaction and cooperation between these disciplines. The aim is that all projects are interdisciplinary and they have a link to the mentioned disciplines.
My LUMA celebrates the creativity and ideas of children and youth. It highlights the multidisciplinarity of daily life and LUMA (STEM/STEAM) phenomena.
Outi Haatainen, StarT Project Manager
Note to the ones that would have been interested in participating Nord StarT Climate Competitionbut could not participate: Did you already create a climate change themed project to participate in Nord StarT? No worries! Because the My LUMA theme makes many kinds of projects possible, you can participate with a climate change themed project for example.
Are you participating from one of our partner countries (Albania, Azerbaijan, China, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam)? Note that our partner countries might have their own national selection and therefore all participants should report directly to their national StarT office. You can find the partners’ contact information here.
Read more about the International StarT Competition here. Learn together and share your ideas. The best projects and practices will be rewarded!
The StarT team wishes you all merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We will be back in January.
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture is organising the Nordic Nord Start Climate Change Competition in autumn 2021. The competition is part of the programme of Finland’s Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2021. Organised in cooperation with the LUMA Centre Finland’s StarT programme, the competition aims to gather children, young people and adults, from early childhood education and care to higher education, to brainstorm concrete means for the fight against climate change.
The Nord StarT competition aims to showcase what kinds of visions Nordic children, young people and young adults have about climate change mitigation and to present examples of how to curb climate change. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in and a growing concern about climate change. In addition, young people are more socially aware and active than they have been in over two decades, and they want concrete action and solution-oriented climate debate.
It is possible to enter the Nord StarT competition with projects or practices where different age groups and educational levels are working together. Schools, groups, clubs or any other set of children, young people or adults can enter the competition with a good learning practice or project where children and young people show how to fight the climate change. Teachers, instructors and educators play an important role in the creation of teaching practices.
Nord StarT aims to strengthen cooperation and the sense of community among the Nordic countries, to develop sustainable development pedagogics and to promote curriculum-based activities. The competition is designed for all educational levels from early childhood education and care to higher education.
The competition is already underway, and it is possible to enter projects and practices for the competition till 3rd of January 2022. The competition will culminate at the Nordic Conference, and the award ceremony will be held on 9 February 2022. Read more about Nord StarT and how to enter the competition on the competition website.
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